I understand exactly where you're cumming from Foxylust69. I just discovered Foxy Irene. Not sure how it took me so long to find her. I've been on xham for years! My hand hasn't left my cock since I laid eyes on her over an hour ago. I'm watching everything I can find of her. There is so much precum on my cock. I'm trying my hardest to let it build as much as I can, but she's just so fucking sexy that I'm not sure how much longer I can hold back!
Hands down the most beautiful shemale I have ever seen. EVER. I crawl across a red hot asphalt parking lot covered with glass shards completely naked just to be able to say hello to her and see her beautiful face live. I'm totally obsessed.
mmmm...i would be so grateful just to lick your fleshlight clean....to smell your sweet musk...masturbating over you now, irene...saving my own load for now...mmmm....your lactating nipples...i'm pinching my own with clips...going to find more of your vids....keep edging...
I lust for you, kiss your lips, caress your tits, nurse on your nipples, stroke your smooth, shaven cock until you exclaim you are cumming and I lock my mouth around your cock and suck your sweet cream down my throat.
Following our date, we'd start kissing, you'd bare your tits and get aroused as your nipples are squeezed and sucked on, guided to your bed, deep throating your cock till it spurts its sticky honey that is eagerly swallowed. After resting, the love making continues.